Tegan was happier and I loved it that she said to the Doctor: You don't HAVE TO get me TO HEATHROW anymore - I have said I want to be with you for a little longer!

Great moment for me was when the Doctor said: Let me HAVE her, as regards Nyssa ... of course in my fanfic mind that has ... yes, well - but it was so sweet the way he hugged her after he saved her from the poor afflicted older Cranleigh Brother - I petition a New Who story starring an OLDER Lady Ann Cranleigh - perhaps after the Second World War ... and the Doctor meets her and all sorts can happen ....
Sarah Sutton has that option at least!
I was watching it and thinking how sweet Adric was, which, believe me - is an achievement - as Adric is the character that annoys me the most, yet this story showed a softer side to him. And we now know he loved his food more than anything else - even Maths!
Besides, how can I not love a story where Tegan is wearing my dream dress - there are TWO Sarah Suttons, a subtle reference to the Master, the charleston, 1920's England - Agatha Christie like goings on with the air of Downton Abbey ....
Also this story is the same length as one of today's Who with beautiful costumes, lovely settings, a wonderful house and shows Team Five A - (Team Five B is Five/Nyssa Team Five C is Five/Nyssa/Tegan Team Five D, Five/Nyssa/Tegan/Turlough Team Five E Five/Tegan/Turlough Team Five F Five/Turlough/Peri Team Five G Five/Peri) Okay, glad I cleared that one up .... Five had a heck of a lot going on in his three years, gets along, are comfortable enough to rib and tease and I love seeing Nyssa getting involved in Earth customs and showing an interest in Tegan's culture (all be it thirty years before Tegan was born!)
Anyway, just thought I'd leave this here ... Now I will most certainly cry at Earthshock, Adric was just getting likeable!