Thursday, 18 February 2016



A Bonding of Companions


Once upon a time there were three very different girls!

All three were specialists in their own way.

One was a Tribal Savage - trained in armed combat, good hunter’s instincts, and held a mini-arsenal around her body.

One was orphaned from her own people when her Planet was destroyed - a bio-chemical engineer, with powers some may call EMPATH, she was also a good nurse and a very compassionate young lady.

The other was a teenager from Earth, angry but kind, bored of being human, (well, she was not entirely!), could solve logical algorithms with ease but had an unnerving propensity to blow everything up!

One was from the past, one from the future, and one from my present!

I got them all together, along with a felon of my Species: His job was to provide the alibi’s, disguises, and lies that at least one of them would have been uncomfortable in giving. It kept him out of harms way from other people’s affairs and made use of his skills for the good rather than the bad.

Besides, he had a vested interest.  

Who am I?  I am the Doctor!

Who are the girls?

The one from my past is called Leela of the Sevateem, I caught her unawares on my home Planet, Gallifrey, where she settled.

The one from my future is named Dorothy McShane but she calls herself ‘Ace!’ and, even though I am not meant to know my future, the Time Lords allowed me this one dispensation and I caught her when my future self was knocked out, do not worry - they will be reunited in my own time!

The one from the present is dear little Nyssa! The last surviving Trakeness - sweet, compassionate, always willing to help and as loyal as a friend can be!

And the one who keeps them safe for me?

A rather strange choice but really, there was only one person whom I could trust to be devious; good with excuses, and had the interests of his skin to cover his worthless skeleton at the depth of his heart, therefore would also make sure those three under my care were to be looked after because he knew and understood the implications if one of them got hurt, to keep himself alive, he had to keep them alive!

The Master!

Yes, yes, yes, I know.  The Master was the reason that Nyssa was forced to travel with me in the first place because of what he did to her but let me explain…

1 comment:

  1. I really like this! (And yes I read the top bit in Charlie voiceover voice like the Charlie's Angels credits) Very good character choices as you have the Angels' separate traits in the Companions and I love the idea of Bosley being the Master, there's so much you can do with that character. From a technical pov, it may be worth reading the story out loud to yourself, because I found some sentences quite long and there may be a different, punchier way to write them to drive things along, if that makes sense? But a really good introduction to the characters and sets the scene well for the start of the first story.
