Wednesday 26 February 2014

Modern Life Is Rubbish


Just found out that Sainsbury Entertainment site is going to go On Demand - meaning streaming! DVDs are not going to be sold EXCEPT in store so that means NO MORE CLASSIC DOCTOR WHO DVDS at an affordable price - the only internet stores from March 3rd will be Amazon - (over priced and no longer part of the Nectar scheme) and BBC SHOP which DOESN'T have them all! WHAT IS WRONG WITH CHOICE? I do not stream films or television - I hate watching things on my laptop - Music, I don't mind BUT FILMS/DVDS I prefer to own in a physical copy and watch it through a DVD player hooked to my television ... call me old fashioned but I do not agree with this and I wasn't asked as a customer what my preferences were going to be. In fact I rather think this is more to do with the fact that SAINSBURY'S CAN'T BE BOTHERED to send things out anymore rather than thinking about WHAT THE CUSTOMER actually wants!

What really angers me about this is they did not do a survey - one that asked how you, the individual, prefers to order and watch Television Shows and Films. I remember a time when the customer was first to be thought of, not profits, and ease for the company and business.

As I said, the only place now for me to obtain classic Doctor Who DVD's from the Fourth of March is Amazon and the BBC Shop - both charge more than Sainsburys do and, for someone who still has over half of the classics to collect, it's going to be harder for me to get all these adventures. Dreading starting on Tom Baker's era as it is - this news has not made me happy!

Sorry for this but I needed to vent the moment I read what ON DEMAND meant - I don't care if they still sell them in store - the things I AM INTO are not SOLD INSTORE I rely on the INTERNET to buy things A LOT.

All I can see is that HMV will not be in hurry to close their stores any time soon - and, luckily, three near me have escaped the closures!

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